Statements & Perspectives
SPP Statement on Brattle's “The Proposed Day-Ahead Markets in the WECC” White Paper
SPP issues response to recent Brattle white paper
SPP Perspectives: The Value of Multiple Markets in the West
SPP provides perspective on the critical importance of multiple market options in the west.
The Cost of Delay
A Letter from the Interim Markets+ Independent Panel
SPP Perspectives: Markets+ Timeline Responsive, Not Rushed
SPP provides perspective on the value of meeting the demand for timeliness related to western markets development.
Other Resources

Issue Alerts
Several Markets+ Phase 1 Funding Parties have joined forces to develop "Issue Alerts" to provide their insight on key issues related to western market development. These alerts are developed independently and available on the Western Interstate Energy Board's website.

Markets+ Newsletter
To stay informed about the current news and developments on Markets+, view the latest Markets+ monthly newsletter.
Fact Sheets
Check back soon to find downloadable resources to learn more about the benefits of Markets+ and its role in securing greater energy reliability for participants.
Markets+ Governance Fact Sheet
Markets+ Seams Fact Sheet
As SPP expands into the West, it is critically important to effectively manage seams across transmission service providers, reliability coordinators, market operators and planning regions.
How will Markets+ benefit Stakeholders?
Markets+ has already established a fully independent governance, including oversight from SPP’s independent board of directors and the Markets+ Independent Panel (MIP), ensuring equity and transparency for all market participants.
Renewables & SPP
SPP is an industry leader in integration of renewable energy sources with the highest percentage of wind and solar generation of all RTOs/ISOs in the country.
Contact Us
Have questions about Markets+? Reach out to us and we'll connect you with the right individual or working group.